The Pacona Family – Chapter One

Our story starts with two siblings who come from a loving family. Vikram Pacona and his sister, Mina Pacona have moved to Willow Creek to start their young adult lives. They moved out of their parents house and are looking for the next step in their lives!

They currently live in a small one bedroom house. Vikram and his sister Mina have a pretty good relationship, so she sleeps in the only bed and he sleeps on the couch. Vikram has decided he wants to try out the painting career, just to see how he likes it since he has always had an interest.

Mina talks Vikram into going out the first night in town!

Vikram meets a cute redhead that he is instantly attracted to name Nina Caliente. But a few minutes later she tells him that she has a boyfriend and immediately tells her politely that he’s not into taken women. It doesn’t take long for Vikram to meet someone, he meets this gorgeous girl, Valentina Salavani. Valentina and Vikram seem to have a lot in common and they talk for hours before getting closer and sharing their first kiss. Vikram knows that he wants to keep seeing her!

Meanwhile, Mina meets an older man named Tyson Laguna. She is very taken with him and they turn out to be really great friends by the end of the night. They stayed out all night talking and looking at the sky…right near the bar!

The next morning, Mina tells her brother that she can’t stop thinking about the man that she met yesterday. He advises her to call him and have him over for breakfast, and she does just that! He shows up for breakfast and it doesn’t take long before they are flirting! But Tyson has something to tell Mina….He is married!!!! He is married to a woman named Zoey Laguna and he has a young daughter, Paris Laguna. Mina doesn’t know what to think. She just wants to cry!

Tyson tells her that he knows he is married but he can’t help the way he feels. They share their first kiss right in the kitchen! Mina tells him that though she likes him very much, they need to slow down. Tyson really needs to think about what he wants. She can already feel rumors brewing. She was standing outside talking to Tyson and these women were watching and she is a bit paranoid and thinks they are talking about her.

Tyson asks Mina to show up at the place that they met and that he has something to tell her. She asks him if he is going to be with her, or leave his wife (which Mina felt horrible asking) and he chose Mina. They went back to the house and gazed at the stars all night. He wants to be with her and nothing is going to stop him.

Tyson Laguna is the first new member of this household!

Mina Pacona meets Paris Laguna for the first time and wants her to know that she does not want to replace her mom and that she can come and visit her dad any time that she wants. Tyson and Paris are very close! Zoey Laguna, the ex wife of Tyson does not stick around after dropping her daughter off.

About a month after Tyson moved in with the family, Mina finds out that she is pregnant with her first child! Tyson is so elated by the news that he asks her to marry him right then. Mina says yes!

Mina wants to stay active during her pregnancy, so she sets up a family spa day! Tyson and Vikram join her at the spa. Vikram is in a flirtatious mood, and since he isn’t sure if things are going to be official with Valentina, he starts chatting up a girl he meets at the spa, Imani Hermann.

At the spa, before their walk home, Mina and Tyson run into his ex wife, Zoey Laguna. Zoey does not have happy words for Mina and she almost starts a fight until Tyson calms her down.

Meanwhile…Vikram invites Valentina over and they make things official!

Mina is getting close to the end of her pregnancy and really wants to be married before the baby comes. When they got home from the spa, Tyson and Mina both had a talk and agree that they want to be married before the baby comes, and they get married in a beautiful garden called Oasis Gardens. It was a beautiful ceremony!

After the wedding, Tyson entered the Secret Agent career!

Just days after the wedding, Mina goes into labor!

The first child of the second generation is born…Milo Laguna!

After Milo was born, Mina, Vikram and Tyson all agree that they need a bigger house. Mina made a phone call, sold her house and upgraded to a bigger home! The first thing they bought as a family was a new fish tank!

After Milo was born, Tyson decided that he needed to patch things up with Zoey, for their daughter Paris. The talk seemed to go well…but Mina was not wanting to be in the conversation so she made some potatoes.

After Zoey left and dropped Paris off for the night, Mina and Tyson get some alone time in while Vikram enjoys playing with his nephew!

Mina is pregnant again! This makes this the third child for Tyson and second child for Mina! They are at the spa when she tells him the news!

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